So What’s all this Praying for the Women on Death Row Really About?


Intercessor Abu

In February of 2013, I was diagnosed with Metastatic stage 4 breast cancer.  Any one who knows anything about Cancer knows that stage 4 is the last and final stage. When you have stage 4 cancer it is the most advanced stage of Cancer there is.  In fact, I was diagnosed on my birthday and the devil laughed at me as I made my wait back home after hearing the doctor’s decree. When the doctor shared the diagnosis his next question was who in the family do you want me to tell?  I refused to have– that– to think about and I flatly told him that there was none in my family that i wanted to disclose this information to— I left mad at myself;  I was mad because all the long God had been speaking to me., first in a dream and then in pain.  He even sent a stranger to ask me whether or not I had cancer.  The dream was startling and I actually went to my Pastor for clarity and  ended up getting a reprimand. Why was it that I am dreaming that I have cancer? What kind of devilish dream is that! There it was— I was placed on death row !

What do you do when you are on death row?  Where do you turn?  Who do you call on?  For me, from the very moment I heard this confirmed, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit and If I never listened to Him before, I could never ever lose direction again –not ever.  His voice is the most important voice that anyone would ever want to hear and when you hear it you must ALWAYS follow  His leading.   I had ignored the dream, rebuked the stranger, my pastor didn’t have the insight and what was I to do? Know this and never forget it– your trials, your tribulations and your troubles elevate you. It is the three “T”‘s that are taking you somewhere–to your deliverance, to  your healing,  to your anointing,  to your breakthrough,  and to your next level;  no pain –no gain. There is never ever a new level without trouble. What are we to do? The bible says in Romans’ 12 v 12 –Be rejoicing in your hope. Bear your afflictions bravely. Be persistent in prayer. And yes, the bible gives many versions to this very powerful word.


But I had to do something more— I was hearing but I was not receiving. We must receive. My faith needed to be built up. My Church helped me in that area—every time the prayer warrior pastors called me, they encouraged me . They stood on the promises that God would be faithful to heal me and that I must cast all my cares on Him. . Do you know what casting ALL YOUR CARES ON HIM MEANS? It means totally trusting in Him.  It means total reliance;  It means not looking to the left or to the right but resting in Him, His word, and in His divine intervention. But it also means to CONFESS healing scriptures daily, relentlessly and to cast down all negative thoughts and I don’t care if the doctor is diagnosing. Let every man be a liar and God be true.


God is so amazing, God is so full of promises and they are always all yes and amen. The bible says God is not a man that He would lie. Numbers 23 v 19 CSB  says God is not a man who lies, or a son of man who changes His mind. Does He speak and not act, or promise and not fulfill?  Well, we are a year and some months from the time that I have been diagnosed and  my recent Cat Scan and Bone Scan show no evidence of Cancer.  Now God is to be GLORIFIED! He is to be praised in the congregation of men.


What an awesome testimony.  God is a MIRACLE WORKING GOD and as I live to glorify his name  and tell others of his greatness, I want to tell you that He took me off of a spiritual death row. He took me off so that I would pray for those on women who are on a physical death row.  What have I learned in the process is that God’s ways are not our ways nor are His thoughts our thoughts — He is no respecter of persons.  Psalm 50 v 15 says  NiV  ” And call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”  I am here to testify that after God brings you out like He brought out Mary Magdalene with those seven demons and the women by the well with those six husbands. He will bring you out of your mess so that you will serve him, honor him and praise him all your days and you will finally know that there is nothing or no one that deserves your attention more than God, no one more important, or more valuable than your relationship with Him.

 So if you are wondering why I am praying for the women on death row. I do so because I answered the call of Him when He whispered. I heard him when He spoke and because He is a prayer answering God, i surrender my life to Him.

I Loved that I shared His goodness and His mercy,

Intercessor Abu


Job 42 v 10 After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before.


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