When Interceding For Women on Death Row- Think of Prophet Jonah



As a people who stand in the gap for individuals, situations and nations, we need to see people the way God sees them. We need to let go of our personal opinions and ideas about things. This is what happened in the bible with the prophet Jonah. God sent Jonah on a mission to Nineveh. Specifically, God wanted Jonah to go to Nineveh to cry out against the sin of the people and to preach. Even though though the Ninevites walked in wickedness God wanted them to know his love and he wanted to give them a chance to repent.

But Jonah disregarded the Lord’s request and got on a ship headed for Tarshish, instead he was fleeing from God (Jonah 1:3) Running from his assignment made Jonah end up being thrown overboard and eaten up by a fish. While inside the fish he repented and God had the fish spit him out. Later Jonah tells the Ninevites about God and interceded for them. Nineveh repented and God had mercy on them. This made Jonah very angry. Jonah wanted to see the wrath of God express on Nineveh, but God had compassion and mercy and wanted to save them.

Jonah more than likely believed lies about Nineveh, himself and God and this what caused him to miss his calling to be used as a vessel of hope,love and life. He knew God was s

low to anger and full of love which is why he fled to Tarshish. (Jonah 4:2) But what Jonah knew about God did

not line up with what he wanted to see happen to the Ninevites.

When God commissions us we are not to let our personal feelings impact on what we are being sent to do. We need to be firm and stable in our connection with God and other people. This is important, so that we can pray without letting our own problems derail us from the purposes and plan of God

Unless we allow God to renew our minds we about our own personal identity we are likely to have thoughts from our own thoughts and mind. Isaiah 55 v 8-9 says, “For your thoughts are not my thoughts, nor your ways my ways, declares the LORD, for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Until we have allowed the Holy Spirit to change our thinking, we will have poor results!


Standing in the Gap

461px-Albert_CamusAlbert Camus Sketched by Petr Vorel

“For centuries the death penalty, often accompanied by barbarous refinements, has been trying to hold crime in check; yet crime persists.”  ALBERT CAMUS, Resistance, Rebellion and Death


Suzanne Basso executed on Texas Death Row 2-6-14 by Lethal Injection

Today Suzanne Basso became the 14th person to die on Texas Death Row. At  5 am, when I arouse for intercessory prayers on the Three Cord Prayer Line, she was remembered by me.  I prayed for her salvation, I prayed that in her grief that she would call upon the name of Jesus. It is our duty to stand in the gap for those lost in darkness.

 In Acts 26 v 18 Apostle Paul is giving an account of His assignment to King Agrippa. He says that it is Jesus Himself who has sent him to redeem the Gentiles. Paul was assigned to 18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me.

Likewise, I prayed for the eyes of Suzanne Basso to be opened this morning. I prayed that she’d turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God, I cried out for her repentance and for her to receive forgiveness for her sins, so she would have the inheritance of those sanctified by faith and receive the promise of eternal life. It is our assignment as well; as believers, we are to know that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. Jesus came for the ungodly and it is God’s desire that no one should perish but that all would come into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Before the year 2014 began, the Lord commissioned me to stand in the gap for the women on death row. He told me to get my church’s women’s ministry to pray without ceasing, for the women on death row. The scripture He gave me was Acts 5 v 12Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him,” which became the name for this ministry “Praying Without Ceasing: A Prison Ministry for Women on Death Row”

In the bible, God was opposed to the sinfulness of the Israelites and was seeking to destroy them. In Psalms 106:23 He says, “Therefore he said that he would destroy them, had not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach, to turn away his wrath, lest he should destroy them.”  We like Moses, are to stand in the gap for others, and the women on death row are no exception.

I am only an intercessor, and we know that the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availed much but, the prisoners on death row need the army of God to stand in the gap for their salvation; any effective standing in the gap has to involve the church. When I received this mandate, I moved quickly to set up this ministry which involves scripture cards, but I hesitated to inform my Pastors because I was waiting to hear more directives from the Lord, but now with the execution of death row’s Suzanne Basso, it is confirmed that I need to quickly alert the church. As I gather up the names and addresses of the 59 women remaining on death row and as I gather stamps, envelopes and salvation cards. I intend to send His word. I will continue to stand in the gap and pray for the salvation of those who have done the most unspeakable crimes. Because, “when God  finds no man to intercede, He will use His own arm to bring salvation to Him, And His righteousness to uphold Him.” (Isaiah 59:16)

Isaiah 6 verse 8  inspires me, it says” Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

In the name of Jesus,

Intercessor Abu

Lifting up my eyes towards the hills…


“I will lift up mine eyes until the hills, from  whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth.” Psalm 121 v 1-2

It is the discipline of my pastor that defines my life. He equips everyone who wants to receive. I love how he goes to the mountain at the end of every year to get a word from the Lord. He goes to the mountains to be alone with God. It is in this intimacy, that he hears the voice of the Lord clearly. It is a model for us believers in the body Christ; we are not exempt from knowing that our help comes from the Lord; and that if we seek him with all our heart, we will surely find Him. Jesus did it and my pastor is no exception.

The New Year is an exciting time in my church; it’s a time of great expectancy. When our pastor goes to the mountains, he is fasting and praying to seek insight from the Lord for the church. How divine is this? Be assured that nothing can be greater than having a passion for, a desire for and a thirst for a revelation from God for His church. It is illuminating, inspiring and uplifting to receive.