The Mind of Christ and Women on Death Row

1 Corinthians 2:16



The U.S. Supreme Court had re instituted the death penalty in July of 1976 after having struck down all state death penalty statutes almost exactly four years earlier. After so much wishy-washyness, and inconsistencies state by state, I am seeing that attitudes are changing toward repealing the death penalty throughout the U.S. For example, in Washington, the Governor has called a moratorium and several states have defacto moratoriums due to challenges to the lethal injection process. Several of these states claim they cannot find sources for the drugs and others have appeals court regulations that are being reviewed. Whatever, the state positions are, I see inequities in the system of deciding who gets to live and who dies. Intellectually speaking, in my opinion the process of deciding who dies and when should be scrutinized. It is not morally rational nor sound for former California governors to to collaborate to initiate a bill to facilitate a quicker appeals process for those on death row. Who are they to be conspiring to advocate quick appeal processes when many times people on death row get exonerated after spending many years imprisoned.

This year 2014 the Lord mandated intercession for the women on death row. What I know is…We don’t have to understand the mind of Christ, because the bible says that God’s way are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts. A God example of this is King David, after committing adultery and murdering one of his “mighty men” became a man after God’s heart. When I intercede for the women on death row I don’t try to judge or take any position about the crimes they supposedly committed, I  seek to promote soul salvation through scripture cards and prayers and when i write them, I do so through the lens of Jesus who came to set every captive free. I stand in my position as an intercessor. An intercessor is an advocate. They are to represent another or plead the cause of another. Scripture tells us that both the Holy Spirit and Jesus are intercessors. They petition the Father on our behalf so that His life and will can be accomplished through us and in us. An intercessor stands before God for those that are lost or for an unholy situation to request God’s intervention and the working out of his will. The activity of intercession involves confronting forces of darkness to enforce victory from Calvary, pleading for another before the throne of God. The role of an intercessor and the action of intercession MUST be combined with a praying church.

Today I am excited about a the victory won by Michelle Byrom a women on Mississippi’s death row. The Supreme court decision to executed has been  reprieved. I believe this is confirmation of hat God said he was going to do for the women on death row when he commissioned me to start praying. The Lord said that He would champion the cause of women on death row in 2014 and I believe this is just one example of what He is about to do.


When we are interceding we must remember that God has the answer to everything, no matter how big or how small. Because of this we can pray from heavens perspective. We are not beggars trying to get God to do something. We are His children and we have access to everything He has. So when we ask Him about situations and people, He shows us things. We can then partner with heaven for breakthroughs on behalf of others.
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