The Movie Gone Girl and The Women on Death Row.



Recently, I decided to check out the movie “Gone Girl.”  On that day, I ate out at the notorious Black Finn Diner and instead of letting the day end, I choose to read the movie reviews and then decided to go to see Gone Girl.

The movie was about a girl  raised and sheltered by her parents. A girl who lived a privileged life and nurtured to become a writer. She became known as AMAZING AMY because of her creative ability to write stories and publish books

It does matter whether you are privileged or indigent; Your parents can plant the seeds for instability and mental illness or they can foster your creativity and it makes no difference whether you are rich or poor. The fact that you may be a rich girl with a trust fund does not exempt you; it does not make for a trouble free life. Before Gone Girl marries she had a psycho history of traumatizing, jolting, manipulating and sexually exploiting her lovers. At one point, she has even accused her lover of rape and caused him to be institutionalized for mental illness.

In the movie, Gone Girl marries an ordinary man, a literary person like herself who ends up losing his job and buying a Bar with his sister. Later after finding out that her husband is having an affair; Gone Girl disappears, staging her death and leaving clues that imply that her husband is responsible for her disappearance. Desperate for revenge Gone Girl plots her disappearance leaving a crime scene, befriending and manipulating neighbors so she would have an alibi. As craftily as one would write a Stephen King novel, Gone Girl fiends her disappearance. The unwitting parents come forth to talk to the media about their Amazing Amy”s disappearance. Oh it gets deep.

The husband is numb; He doesn’t know what to make of it– it”s the anniversary of his wedding. He is jaded. Not only has he fallen out of love with his wife but he has a secret girlfriend and now he’s the one everyone is thinking that’s responsible that Gone girl is missing,  I don’t want to disclose the ending but Gone Girl wins. She is a master manipulator. The person who wrote this movie is speaking to deceit on the highest level.

I know you are wondering by now, how all this correlates to the women in death row. Unlike Gone Girl women on death row have  themselves been the subject of manipulation and exploitation by others. They are most often themselves  victims of deceit and deception, sometimes with childhood origins. I know you are probably saying no you got it reversed the women on death row  are exactly like Gone Girl— only they got caught. While Amazing Amy was faking her death, she returned to the lover she institutionalized for raping her in the past. He is now rich but he still loves her despite what she has done. Gone Girl kills the old lover in a vicious premeditated attack and resurfaces as though He was the one holding her hostage all the time, returning to her husband.

What is  amazing about Amy is that there are many amazing Amy’s walking around in our society. They are psychological damaged sociopaths and culprits that prey upon the lives of the unsuspecting and they are not behind bars but are walking around free as a bird. They have somehow slipped through the system escaping therapy and are definitely in need of deliverance. I left the movie house with a greater awareness that their is little demarcation between the women behind bars for the crimes they committed and the sociopathological warfare that is be perpetrated  on those who are unsuspecting and ignorant of the devices of Satan. Thus I stay on the wall praying for the women on death row, all the ones that got caught up in Gone Girl webs.
2Corinthians 2:11

…in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.